My husband and I got married 1 year ago today.
Today also marks our 8 years of being together. It's been an amazing year filled with craziness, love, changes and growth.
Here are some of the things I've learned this year:
- Love
A simple hug out of nowhere is always a good idea
- Listen
Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves and our own daily routines. But listening to the other person is more important. Ask how their day went and actually listen. Sounds simple, but this can be difficult when we're distracted by our own thoughts. - Be Patient
Just because he says he will do the dishes today, does not always mean they will get done today. Just because he says he will clean the bathroom this weekend, does not always mean the bathroom will get cleaned this weekend. If you want it done NOW, that's your problem. Sometimes, things can wait. If there's something you want done now, do it yourself or ask him until he gets so annoyed that he finally just does it :)
- Laugh
Be silly. Laugh at funny things. Laugh at things that make you mad. When everything seems to go wrong in one day, laugh about it. It makes a stressful day so much easier to get through.
- Do Your Chores
Keep up on household work. Split the chores and decide together when you'll get them done. - Tag Team
One of you can go to the grocery store while the other cleans out the garage. One of you can take the dog for a walk while the other does the laundry. I'm not a firm believer that the man does the outside work while the woman does the inside chores. We are both fully capable of doing both of these chores (except mowing the lawn. I don't plan on doing that any time soon.) Work together to get your big projects done faster.
- Compromise When It Comes to Family Holidays
This year, we made his family a priority for Christmas and my family a priority for Easter. We always try to make it to all of the get-togethers around the holidays, but we've learned to make one meal a priority, at the next house we will just have drinks, snacks & dessert. - Discuss Finances Often
We decided to sit down at the computer once every couple of months to see where we're at with finances. How much are we bringing in? How much are things costing us? Is there anywhere we can cut back? What are we saving up for? Keeping communication open when it comes to finances is so important. Don't make any major purchases without discussing together first. - When It Comes to Work...
Work is work. It's not life. If you had a bad day, discuss it, but don't drag it on for the rest of the night. You only have a few hours together a day. Use your time together wisely. Relax, watch a funny show or play a game to lighten your grumpy spirits.
- Make Plans to Relax
Life gets busy. Decide on a day that you're going to do nothing but relax for a solid 4-5 hours. We often do this on Sunday mornings. My husband likes to get up early-ish, watch tv and play video games while I like to sleep in, eventually crawling out of bed to have my coffee and pretty much just look out the window while petting my dog. It's so wonderful and recharges us for the week ahead!
- Discuss Your Faith
Talk about how blessed you are. Talk about how amazing it is that God has gotten you to this point in your life. Discuss your worries and your fears but then remind each other that God is in control. And most importantly, pray for each other. - Go On Dates
Go out to lunch or dinner and actually sit at the restaurant. Don't go through the drive through. Don't pick up take-out. Go somewhere (somewhat) nice and sit down together and have a conversation without cell phones. It's pretty great.
- Remember To Do Your Own Thing
This is something my husband and I have done our entire relationship. We are individuals with different interests. You need to make yourself happy before you can make someone else happy. I like to go shopping with my mom or spend a weekend watching movies and going out dancing with my girlfriends. My husband likes to golf with his brother and go hunting with his dad on the weekends. So do what makes you happy, then come together at the end of the day and tell each other about your day.
- Remember That You're On The Same Team
You're in this together. Even when you're mad at each other, you both want the best for your marriage and your lives. Try to remember that.
- Be Flexible
Life moves so fast and things are always changing. Be open to change and stay flexible.
Your friend,