Monday, March 6, 2017

Finding Balance

Well hello there, stranger. It's been a while since my last blog and I feel like I owe it to my followers to give you a proper update of my life journey :)

Sometimes we get hooked on certain ideas, passions, hobbies and habits. One thing I've learned about myself is that, very often, I become fully invested in new projects for a period of time and then after a while, I just stop. 

I started making journals and selling them on Etsy in 2013. After a while, I lost interest and felt like I was doing a whole lot of work and not really making enough money to cover the costs of making the journals. Making the journals started to feel more like a chore than a hobby I actually enjoyed. Then I started designing stationery and selling those on Etsy. That actually did pretty well, and I did enjoy it, but once we bought our house I had to close my Etsy shop. With working full time and remodeling our house in every spare minute we had, this didn't leave me much time for hobbies. Another great example of my habit-breaking cycle is this very blog.

I started this blog as an outlet to express my experiences, feelings, advice and fears. I found it very helpful to tell the world about my personal struggle with anxiety and my journey into adulthood. From getting married, to moving, to getting a puppy, to a new job, these past few years have been a whirlwind of changes and exciting growth. So I started this blog to tell all the other twenty-somethings out there that if you are feeling overwhelmed, beaten down, and like you just aren't sure if you're going to make it through these crazy years, that I'm here with you. And I know it's hard.

I've heard that what happens in your twenties, does not necessarily stay in your twenties. What we do now, the decisions we make and the habits we commit ourselves to, will very likely stay with us the rest of our lives. Our fitness routines, our eating habits, what we do in our free time, and even the way we carry ourselves in the workplace are very likely to follow us through adulthood.

So I've decided that I'm not done yet. I refuse to stop blogging because I've maybe lost a little motivation to do so. I refuse to not tell the world about my experiences because... what if I'm helping someone? What if someone reading this doesn't feel so alone because of what I'm writing?

So here's the update. Here's what's going on with me.

It has been about 7 months since my husband and I moved into our new house and it's been about 9 months since I started my new job. I love both and I feel incredibly blessed to have a home, a steady job, a husband and a dog to love, and all at just 26 years old.

But just because my life is starting to take form, doesn't mean I don't have struggles. There are still many days that I think to myself, What the hell am I doing? Am I taking the right steps to get where I want to be in life? And where is that exactly? So many people are starting to have kids. Should we be trying to have kids right now?

I also criticize myself very often. I find myself thinking things like, Why are you so tired? You should be working out more. You should be eating healthier. You've gained some weight, you know. You really need to clean up the house, when was the last time you even cleaned the bathrooms? Instead of relaxing, watching tv, you should be working on something productive, like blogging, working on Etsy, or doing something that needs to get done around the house.

But then the other side of my brain kicks in, telling me that I work hard all week, and I deserve to relax.

These are the days of my twenties. These are the days post-marriage, but pre-babies. These are the days that I know I should enjoy, before kids come along and ruin everything (haha! kidding...kind of.) I should sleep in, go shopping with my friends, go out with my husband, go out to the bars and go dancing with friends on the weekends, and really, just do whatever the hell I want.

But these are also the years that are so important and I really don't want to waste them awayThis is my time to build my career, focus on my health and everyday habits, work on getting our house into a state that we feel is truly home.

I have this constant battle with myself every day. To work, or to relax? That is the question.

And I think I already know the answer. The answer is in just one word: Balance. Work your butt off, but then relax. Watch a movie. Do a puzzle. Have a glass of wine. Make yourself a malt and enjoy it, dammit! Then get back to work.  It's the yin and yang of life. What goes around comes around. I'll be damned if I don't work to my full potential during these years, but I'll also be damned if I don't let myself enjoy this time and celebrate my twenties.

Lastly, here's a house update. Since I haven't shared updated pictures since August, I decided I'm FINALLY going to put together our before and after comparison photos. I will share them with you as soon as I have them ready! I just need to clean up the house a bit one of these days so I can take the after pictures! ;)

Your friend,
